Monday, October 31, 2005

Katrina Cock-Ups: Exaggerated Stories of Hurricane Chaos in New Orleans

Katrina Cock-Ups: Exaggerated Stories of Hurricane Chaos in New Orleans - International - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News: "Exaggerated Stories of Hurricane Chaos in New Orleans"

well, that is some mighty fine lyin' that the media did there, I knew that people would not want to have sex after they had just been through so much trauma. I feel pretty stupid for even tryin to believe that.

I hate the media that is owned by big corporations who control the government, yeah, this shit happens in Canada too. Really, when American Media says something, Canadian media should be there to say, "Wait a second here, that is not the truth", in this case, that was impossible because no one was allowed in, not even the relief that a lot of countries around the world sent, yet America, in all it's wisdom decided that the help was not needed.

Media, Will you ever stop Lyin to Me,
It's like Propoganda for the 21st Century!

I mean, if I was in that situation, getting the Necessities to everyone involved would be my first concern, and I suspect that there was more people looking for food than Plasma TV Looting, I suspect that this informnmation was created out of panic, Rumour, and a sprinkling racisim, cause it's not too difficult to make a white person scared of a black person, they murder and rape ya know! (vinnie hangs his head in shame for even considering that those rape stories were truth) This is just another lie propogated by the American Media to make the Government look, well... Not so bad, "Why arn't more people helping?" blame the Dangerous black man! People were dyin and could have been saved but, because america wants to hide it's BLACK eye, it wears an eye patch, yet the other eye is blind! How's that for some crazy analogy makin!

Additionally, Here is a great blog about this subject on the ...

Myths of New Orleans: Poor, Bad Blacks -- Who Got What They Deserved

Thursday, October 27, 2005

The Real Truth About 911 Revealed at Last! "The Real Truth About 911 Revealed at
Last! Number 123"

I thought that looked like a controlled demolition, guess a few others saw that too! This is what Haliburton will do for increased profits! Yum Yum, more money for us! you guys gotta go check out the Cheney Bio I linked, it's crazy!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


CBC: The fifth estate - Watch Video

This wonderful program is 41 minutes long, and well worth watching. It really pieces things together, Bet some of you will find it kinda "Michael Mooreish" in it's exposure of what is really going on. Don't let the Man keep you down, Fight The Power! Haha

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

CBC News: Study dumps on Canada's environmental record

CBC News: Study dumps on Canada's environmental record: "CBC News"

Dang, I would expect better of Canadian corporations and people too! It's no surprize though, there are a lot of SUVs on the streets, Halifax Harbour (they are workin on that). But I think we are gettin better. There are the recycling people like me, who like to sepperate garbage. I'm glad homeless people can get a little money by collecting recyclables, that's a good thing. Yeah, a solar pannel on every building, thats what I wanna see! Why not wind mills atop high rises! Now thats an Idea! Rockit Like a Hurricane Bitches!