Friday, October 13, 2006


This is my new friend Seth. He is a Black Rat Snake (or so I am told) but he is a lovely forest green, with bits of red on his sides and belly, so he is probly a hybred rat snake, still very cool! he is a constrictor, eats live mice and will grow between 5 or 8 feet. he's about a metre now, that's like 3 feet! He is a great companion snake and will curl around your arm.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Crab Boy Issues #1 and two, limited time value pricing

Crab Boy Issue #1 is now only $4999.95 (3 copies left)
and the even more rare #2 is priced at $9999.95 (1 copy left), worth every penny!
Crab Boy #3 is scheduled for release sometime in October, On sale exclusively
At Monster Comic Lounge, On Gottigen st, Halifax, ns, part of My Rockin Hood! I think pricing will stay at $1.00, untill market demand drives up the price, as we have seen with issues 1 and 2. Get yer copies soon folks, thet are made with love and coffee!

We got A#1 first class Rappers, I saw em at the Uniac Street party, which I heard about on the CKDU Radio station, I love that Channel!! CKDU ROCKS!!! We got lotsa bands, as will a place like this get from time to time... I never really was into the Sloan Sound, but we got King Konq, They Rock out! I'd like to hear their new CD. My Other Brother Alice Hasn't played in a while, I think they are through, Nashville pussy is in town tonight, I'm a no show. I rocked out at the gym today, that was fun, I will do that tomorrow, The ladies are always lookin good there, so it's a great place to go!

For My Birthday this year my friends Marty and Pat showed up, it was great to see those guys!! I Brought out an old "Who Cares" Tape, that was their band Back in the day, hahaha, We all had a good laugh, we should have Listened to it, That would have been fun! I just listened to a few of my old tapes from back in the Day, They were funny as hell, I was a Real J-Rock, tryin to rap and shit! hahaahah!! Beautiful!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Morgan Spurlock: 30 Days

This series is great, but it is made by a division of 20th Century Fox, so there must be something sinister at the core. In the episode where a Christian lives as a Muslim, they state that Muslims attacked the World Trade Centre. That's what I have a problem with, that statement is the great lie of today, the earth is flat, Darwinism Smarwinisim, Flintstones is reality!

The good thing about the Muslim episode, it shows how rotten people can get when they are controlled by fear, like a Bum in the Subway!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Vinnie's Book of ever long it takes me to read it club

Fast Food Nation is a fuckin wicked book, and everyone should read it, I have yet to see the movie, but the book is great.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Vinnie's Kitties

This is a link to my new blog dedicated to pictures of Kitties, that I have taken, Found, Painted and Pasteled, it's dedicated to cats, that's it, just cats!

Friday, July 14, 2006

Vinnie's Book of the "How ever long it takes me to fuckin read it" Club

What's new Readin fools!?? Like you ever read the shit I suggest!! Here is the 2 I been Workin on Reefer madness is awesome, 3 essays on Weed, Migrant workers and porn, it's great, really, easy to read, factual, I like facts!The Other one I'm into is

This is just a rehash of the movie with a little extra, which can be found on the DVD also, it's scary to think how bad people's diets have gotten! Dang, But he writes like I think, so I love it, all sarcastic and shit!

Read on Vinnie's readin club! haha
I think I will read something related to Canada next, I'm sick of America as a subject of study, The books I have been readin, not so fun to read, I like them and all, cause they are all books that show some view of reality. But it sure ain't fun to read about Pig Shit geysers "Down on the Farm", and then about migrant Workers at the strawberry farm, sharecropping. It makes me real angry and real creative when I read this crap, Crap makes crap, it's the cycle of crap, the Crap Cycle if you will.... I feel as if I am falling down to their level, I must fight, fight to survive! hahaha Crap On Readin Fools!

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Good writing By Dr Henry Makow

This is a Great article,

The Key to Good Writing By Henry Makow Ph.D. – May 26, 2006 Writing for the Net

I think I should follow this method when writing Blogs, That I havent been doing in quite a while! (I've been workin and drawin Crab Boy).

I think my problem is that I want to say so much, open up the floodgates, here comes Vinnie, See, one paragraph in Vinnie Speak could cover 10 to 20 topics, Why limit to 1 Idea per Paragraph hahaha, to make the work easier to read I guess!! And that is why I have no Cult Following!!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

I'm So Evil!

Vinnie Cappuccino is 40% Evil!
A bit of evil lurks in your heart,
but you hide it well.
In some ways,
you are the most dangerous kind of evil.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Horror-Scopic, How Hypnotic!

July 22 - August 23
Just when you think you have absolutely no energy left, you are able to kick into high gear. Push beyond your limits today, dear Leo. You will find that you can achieve a great deal more than you think you can. All you need to do is have confidence in yourself to try. You have a huge amount of dynamic power on your side, and you will find that your roar is louder than ever. You are the true king of the jungle today.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Pics From Around Halifax

Here are some pics from around Halifax,
the Graphitti I was talking about the other day and other such oddities!Condo-Zilla is here to remind us of the Importance of Affordable Housing for Everyone!
this is one of the Haliphax Phalli, it was erected to save the lamp posts from gig posters,
no such luck, there are way more lamp posts round Haliphax!
NSCAD: the college I always wanted to go to... Pfft, That never happened! $$$ :(
the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, a great place to go, No pictures from the inside though! :(
And to end this Photo session off, we have some more graphitti,
it was very low to the ground and I saw some pigs running away from the wall it was on.
Hmmm, I wonder...... (cue Vince Young's song "Animal Farm")

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Vinnie's Book of the "How ever long it takes me to fuckin read it" Club, Update

March 1, 2006
ooooooooh! This book is pissin me off so bad, to read the way this "President"(?Dick-Tator) has tarnished his opponents with lies and built his platform around family and god, and then took all the money from poorer families with a raise in taxes while sheltering companies which gain a greater benefit from their environment because they have the tools to exploit it. Oh yes, this is the free market, free my fuckin ass! the social and environmental costs that the citizens see is far greater than any benefit given to them. I understand what these companies are all about... Share Holder Profit Over ALLLLLLLLLL!!!!

I understand this because I have studies the tools of this devil, I know how Bid-ness Works, I also know how government works, it's a fuckin joke! As an Accountant I am so very fuckin puzzled about the way votes are tallied. Diebold cannot be trusted because they have to maximize shareholder profit and can be motivated by money, I wonder how much this contract was worth to them... Fuck, I Digress, anyway that book was pissin me off so much I decided to stop reading it for a while and flip over to,Al makes me laugh, the forward in The Truth is written by annonomous, I wonder who it could be...?? haha Anyway, these books will complement each other very well, I made it to page 70 of the GW Lies Book, Man that guy lies alot, I think that is why he acts so stupid, so people won't expect that much of him, but that's just my guess... I wonder what kind of relationship he has with his daughters... I mean he does claim to up hold "Family" in the Male, Female and Kids relationship sence of the term... There are infact many different types of relationships in this world, to have a clear view of reality one must accept this... Blah Bla Bla, well, I do like the Footnotes in the GW Lies book,
the 9-11 Lies was just referenced with end notes, I didn't like that aspect, but it was very revealing, and I do I highly recommend it! Open yer Eyes Mutha Fuckas! American's should read this book, really, Lots of good questions in here, unfortunatly, time will tell the truth, and that will be a sad day! Read on muther Fuckers, and never stop reading, I don't care if you read Coultard, just give me something intelligent to argue against!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Very Nice!

I'm just in a Great Fuckin Mood, so I thought I would breed an Osterich with a Giraffe! I stole this from some site I surfed into, I think it's wicked!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Thursday, February 02, 2006

This is weird, I'm not a Marxist nor a Hedonist, aka Kiss my Ass Rosie O'Donnel

WASHINGTON — A prominent U.S. right-wing commentator has welcomed the election victory of Stephen Harper and the Conservatives, expressing hope that the prime-minister-designate will work to eradicate the "cultural Marxism" he says infests the neighbour to the north.

In an on-line commentary published on his website, Paul Weyrich, chairman of the Free Congress Foundation, said that he hopes Mr. Harper will use the next four years to replace Liberal-named judges who back same-sex marriage and abortion with appointees who are more to his liking.

"As has been the case in the United States, cultural Marxism largely has been foisted upon Canada by the courts," Mr. Weyrich wrote, drawing a parallel with the right-wing analysis of what ails America. "If judges who respect the Constitution were to be appointed, they would confirm that such rights are not to be found in that document. Sound familiar?"

Yet Mr. Weyrich, 61, a veteran of the U.S. culture wars, said that despite his hopes for a sharp right turn in Canada, radical change could take a long time. "The people of Canada have become so liberal and hedonistic that the public ethic in the country immediately could not be reversed. But with leadership, it may well be possible to change the public ethic."

Marx·ism Pronunciation Key (märk szm)n
The political and economic philosophy of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in which the concept of class struggle plays a central role in understanding society's allegedly inevitable development from bourgeois oppression under capitalism to a socialist and ultimately classless society.

I do believe in a free education for all citizens of Canada, I think that it is the one tool that the Government should be able to provide.

he·don·ism P Pronunciation Key (h dn- zm)
Pursuit of or devotion to pleasure, especially to the pleasures of the senses.
Philosophy. The ethical doctrine holding that only what is pleasant or has pleasant consequences is intrinsically good.
Psychology. The doctrine holding that behavior is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.

Life is inherantly painful, but if one can keep a clear mind, and see what is really hapening, then that can make life less painful. You have to follow some steps to attain a clear mind, no drugs, no boozin it up! Life is a pretty great journy in and of itself, sometimes it feels bleek and hopeless, especially when Rosie O'Donnel comes on TV and says that Canada is supposed to be the USA's moral conscience, WTF is up with that. I used to enjoy the Rosie Show, but a position (as a Moral Objector??? WTF can I do, I cannot effect legislation in America, so all I do is tell americans how stupid they are, well, that doesent really fuckin work! I know it's because I'm such a jackass about the way I choose to say things, ah well) like that is one I do not want to have, I fight with fuckin American's quite enough about their shitass Ideals, it's like the Jerry Springer Show really, That show is a good example of what is bad in society I think, it happens in Canada too, so it is not limited to our southren neighbours. Where was I..... Drink More Coffee... Need to Stop, Must Clear Mind ,, Hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Debate on Climate Shifts to Issue of Irreparable Change

Debate on Climate Shifts to Issue of Irreparable Change: "This 'tipping point' scenario has begun to consume many prominent researchers in the United States and abroad, because the answer could determine how drastically countries need to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions in the coming years. While scientists remain uncertain when such a point might occur, many say it is urgent that policymakers cut global carbon dioxide emissions in half over the next 50 years or risk the triggering of changes that would be irreversible."

Saturday, January 28, 2006


is very cool, I need to get her movie on DVD sometime!

Friday, January 27, 2006

Gore accuses big oil of bankrolling Tories

Gore accuses big oil of bankrolling Tories

Gore is warning us of the evil Primeminister Harpy, that wants to pluck Canada out of the Kyoto aggereement, I mean emissions are goin up, and global warming is great, soon there will be no atlantic canada, think of the savings!

"Hopefully that will not happen thanks to the minority victory," Gore said of Canada's involvement in Kyoto.

Gore believes the issue of the oilsands and the sway he contends the industry holds with Harper didn't garner news coverage during the election because "media concentration has taken a toll on democratic principles around the world, and Canada is no exception."

Bush is on the Drink Again...

infact, he always was! Voice of the White House states that bush is havin some rough times. Remember when I wished him all the best and hoped that he had people who loved him and supported him, he really needs that now! Alcohol is such a rotten poison, it really is, stay away from it! Alcohol is ruining the nation eh! that fuckin sucks!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

A Conservative Minority

Yippy Skippiddy Doo the Conservatives won. I would have liked to see the NDP get about 40 seats, but they got 29, that's cool, "Lend me Your vote" was an NDP play on the Shakespearian line "Lend me your ears" but I think that was misunderstood, in one interview this statement was confused and a person asked if the NDP would give it back! I laughed! Well, America will be happy with this one, Harper and Wilkie are George Bush's only friends in Canada. I'm sure if Harper had the Majority of the house, he would annex off Atlantic Canada and sell it to America for it's resources of course... not like we have fish or lobsters anymore.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

The Truth Seeker - Voice of the White House January 20, 2006

The Truth Seeker - Voice of the White House January 20, 2006: "Voice of the White House January 20, 2006"

" It has been known, officially, that bin Laden died of kidney failure in a Pakistani hospital in August of 2002 and obviously isn’t making any tapes now. A live bin Laden, however, is a good boogyman with which to terrify the American public into slavishly believing our government is trying to protect them"

I knew that bin Laden Fool was dead, now someone inform the CIA! Haha, reminds me of what some Americans like to say to me, "Fuck your facts" hahaha Guess this is post 911 Dreamworld where anything can happen, dispite facts or whatnot. ya gotta keep em scared I guess, to remain overlord and remove people's freedoms you gotta make up shit to keep em afraid. It's called an Amygdala Hijack, when you are so emotional that you are not even thinkin straight. guess I live my life in an Amygdla Hijack!

Vinnie's Book of the "How ever long it takes me to fuckin read it" Club

This is a really good book, it was printed in 2003, so it's a little dated, but his new book "the Truth" was recommended to me, so I picked this up from the library (with a few other books). I'm on a waiting list for 3 other Franken Books. Good Stuff! I really am enjoying this book, it is well crafted, well researched (from what I can tell) and is a very good exposure of the Republican Party (from what I can tell). Ithink it will take me 4 days to finish this, it's only 380 pages, I might add a little more to this post once I'm finished, with highlights that I enjoy in paraphrase form! I Don't wanna break no copyright law, I just want everyone to read this book. I think I also want to read a few Ann Coulter or Michele Malkn books, just to see what they are all about. I will be reading the Autobiography of Rush Limbah, "Rush Limbah is a Big Fat Liar"!

Actually, Here's a list of the Books I will be reading in the neat few weeks:

Al Franken - Lies and the Lying Liars that tell them (Done)
Al Franken -
Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot (Done)
Michael Moore - Stupid White Men (fin)
Thierry Meyssan - 9/11 The Big Lie
David Corn - The Lies of George W. Bush
Donald J. Trump - How to Get Rich

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Beam weapons almost ready for battle - -

Beam weapons almost ready for battle - - "Beam weapons almost ready for battle"

Oh Great, the Weaponization of space is complete, time for evil plan #2 Kill all those who do not obey! You will be controlled by the great eyeball in the sky, you must conform, you must! Hahahaha, this shit is priceless, the news I mean, it cracks me up. And it's pretty scarry too, I'm glad that Canada didn't want any part of that, but now we are just another target really, I mean, the states has nukes pointed everywhere, so it's nothing new, I don't know if Canada does... I will have to look into that one.

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Hundreds killed in Hajj stampede

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Hundreds killed in Hajj stampede: "At least 345 Muslim pilgrims have died in a crush during the
stone-throwing ritual at the Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia, officials

Yikes, I would never want to go to Mecca if it ment being crushed like this. It's not an AC/DC concert people! Unsecured Baggage on top of a bus fell off and caused everyone to trip and some to die, that would be such a horrific experience... And that's why I don't go to church! bah, stay home and meditate!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Apple Shares Hit Record High on Intel News - Yahoo! News

Apple Shares Hit Record High on Intel News - Yahoo! News: "SAN FRANCISCO - Apple Computer Inc. shares leapt to an all-time high on
Wednesday, boosted by its decision to use Intel Corp. microprocessors
to help it grab a bigger share of the desktop PC market."

Oh Yeah! Fuckin Rights! Mac now runs windows also! that is great, I mean they make top of the line hardware, why not release it to the windows market also! Fuckin Genius!

Jack Layton Gives Straight Answers to Canadians

Jack Layton Gives Straight Answers to Canadians

Over at Vive Le Canada we get an awesome report on Jack Layton's performance in the Debate Lastnight, let's listen..."Jack Layton was the only candidate who answered questions directly and gave credible information about his party’s policies. While the Liberals and Conservatives talked about issues such as: day care, health care and long term care for seniors, Jack Layton reminded Canadians that it was the NDP party which forced the Liberals to pass a budget with social spending last winter." (by Kevin Parkinson) Ok, so that was cool, Layton is deffinatly the workin Man's man, I mean I aspire to be a workin man! and even if I continue in a state of brokeassedness for a few more weeks, at least I will know that I will be voting for a party that would like to see prosperity and fair treatment for all. Companies are really made up of a group of people called the "Share Holders", and they are not held accountable for the unethical actions of their companies. Private healthcare drives up the cost of Public healthcare and takes many good medical students out of the small pool of doctors for the rest of us. Indicating factors of a Country's Prosperity are it's educational system and Medical system, this is nothing new that I am saying here, just rehashing old shit, but it's kinda fun to put together, Like Shit Lego, What shall I make now! haha

The Maxx

The Maxx needs to be re-released on DVD, Fuck I love that show! Sam Keith is a wicked artist, I love his work! Here is the Vinnie Tribute to the Maxx in Crab Boy Form!
this is funny because so many artists drew their versions of the Maxx for a trading card set, I had to put my crappy style to work and came up with this beauty! I'm watching the Maxx on DVD right now, it's great, Pete copied it on to DVD, but I want Cool Packaging and an Interview with Sam Keith and some good shit like that!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

"Get up, Stand Up! Stand Up for Your Right!"

I Love Canada, I love Politics, I love the fact that we have so many polital parties to choose from, I love the fact that the NDP are around, ya know, when I was in highschool, in Political Science, we invited all three parties to our class, and Alexa was the only one who showed up, I mean Alexa! Wow! That was such a great class, PolySci, it was really small and our History teacher Mrs. Stegman taught it. Some afternoons were spent in one classroom, it made for a really fun class but I would get in trouble sometimes for being too intimate in class, it was great. Well, I digress, ok, so everything that was talked about in the Debate lastnight, Jack Layton has won me over, I am swooning! hahaa! The parts that were scripted, well, that was not so good, I mean I know you are the third choice, and a damn good choice at that, but ya don't gotta tell me 3 times, ah well!

Saturday, January 07, 2006

80% of those folks could have been saved

New York Times article states: Extra armour, available since 2003 could have saved 80% of those folks who died in the illegal, immoral war against Iraq, well, the American ones anyway. this of course is no surprize, Didn't Cock Cheny do the downsizing dance on the american military and then hand everything over to to the almighty Haliburton? yeah I think he did. Corporate control is a dangerous thing, that's for sure! Here is the link to Tricky Dick's Bio, oops, I mean, cock, um...THE UNAUTHORIZED BIOGRAPHY OF DICK CHENEY presented by the Fifth Estate, any Angry Americans should really watch this, hell, Angry Canadians should watch it too!