Monday, April 01, 2002

There is too much fun shit to do at my house, no wonder I get no work done, no wonder I stay at home all the time, I got CDs to burn, music to rock out to, Books and magizines to read, Paper to draw on, Bass and Videogames to play, Mirrors to make funny faces in, a bed to jump on, a kitchen sink to do dishes, piles of random clothing articles to clean up or use as islands in my island jumping game, stubble on my face and other random patches of hair to shave if I wish, and lastly,, the most fun of all...papers to write.... Ill Clean the weeks worth of dishes, have a shower to rid myself of some of my stink and then work on the papers, oh the papers, wish they were rolling papers... and so does adam!! hahaha
Viva las Bitches!

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