Howdy Friends, Romans and Country folk, I haven't written any good blogs latley, Mainly cause I been doing the Thinking and forming thoughts, but not writing them down, so now, after a long day of thinking, I will sit down and Blab on here, it will Make a fun record of things, and you wont Bash my Anit American Rhetoric! OK, Im Gettin a Coffee, Ill Be Back...
OK, I'm Back, OK, So I Got a Headache tonight, I Think it's My Lack of weed, but really, The Fact that I'm Writing on Here is a result of No weed, I'm bored, the Living room is full of people and I just want to be alone right now. So Why, Why do I smoke too much weed? I Don't have a Job right now, So I Don't smoke as much weed as I used to, so The Lack of weed has brought me here, Back to a Time when I would write My thoughts down in a Coffee Shop. This is my Virtual Sketch Book I Guess, without the Funny Little Drawlings, Which is too Bad! :) the Reason I smoke weed is to Feel Positive and Forget about what I am thinking... But What am I thinking, I Want weed, So to forget the weed I gotta do somethin else, thus, being a nerd and posting on the Internet. I've been Going to the gym alot latley too, Just to avoid Smokin... That Really has not worked well. I will hit the Gym tomorrow, as I did yesterday, that will be something to look forward to.... Before I call the Weed Man anyway. I called for weed today but he could no deliver, I will call again, as I always do....
So what have I been thinkin Latley that has put me in this funky state??? Well, I'm glad you ask.. Number one I don't have a job right now, I've been hunting, but no leads yet, I did get a job for 3 days, I went in, and after 3 days I was sure that I did not want to be involved with the company, so I left, I was able to keep My EI is still Commin through though, So that's good I guess, yeah, so I been thinkin that I might not be as good as I think I am, not that I think that I am that Great. Canadian and American Politics fuckin piss me off big time, all these egos and war, bah, ya gotta work together to get shit done, the way those fucks work is that they squak about nothin all fuckin day long, I Know, I get to watch CPAC all day long if I so Choose! So I been thinkin about how I really hope that these assholes can pull themselves together, we have some really tough challenges to face, economic, social and environmental! I get to Listen to independant radio so I hear way more news sources than those Dumb Amerikkkan CNN Clones, that whole station is a Fuckin Lie! OK, I will write more Later of what I think, and I will try to play My hand and Make some changes, and tell you of My success or Failure, OK, Later! V
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