Tuesday, July 05, 2005

the Pics below were created by me, I used the Underword Skateboarding Devil For the Nerd Devil, South Park Eyes and Mouth, Goes together Pretty good eh!. G.W.Liar is just Type over a Pic, Opacity on type Turned Down, I also Like that one, Good Stuff! Just drinkin my Mornin Coffee, at 11:51 am.... Geez, Nadine and I are going to the gym and the Art Gallery and later I will go visit pete, That will be fun, Maybe borrow some movies off his ass, he has lots of great films! I'm having trouble posting pics... tyhis troubles me, I downloaded and am using Mozilla just for this purpose, and that too is crappin out on me, the Pic begins to load and then just White... Dissappointing, I make sure all the Pics are small... Hmmm, OK, I will just read help again rather than bitch!

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