Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Loki and Nanou!

Loki and Nanou are the Coolest Cats ever, much cooler than any other cat! they deserve their own musical really, it would have a lot of fight scenes!

Thursday, December 22, 2005

New Cat Painting

Cat and Bugs at Sunrise
I Love that detail on the Slug!
I think that's Doug the Slug! Woody Wood Bug, Black Ant,
Some Fine ass Lady bugs and a good ol' Spider to round out the bunch.

Click the Painting to go see how this
Blue Bug lovin Critter was Born!

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

U.S. warns against America-bashing

CANOE -- CNEWS - Politics: U.S. warns against America-bashing: "U.S. warns against America-bashing"

Who is America Bashing here??? I said that I love America, I'm just Pissed that the Right wing Extreemists have taken over America and are involved in yet another "Holy" war, and that effects us Globaly, so I have a right to speak my voice, I will never shut up! hahahahaha, "Wilkie, yer doin a Heckofa Job!" bwahahahahahahahahahahaha, I will post more later, I got a Heckofa Rant Brewin fer you Folks!

Friday, December 09, 2005

Fascism Now!

This is a MySpace Bullitin Posted by a fine Ex-Canadian Pete Mortinson (son of Death???) hahaha, He used to be in a great band called Odium, aside from that, He is Now "Livin' in America" and it's good to know that someone down there knows what is goin on! hahaha!

The 14 Defining Characteristics Of Fascism (Modern Republicanism)
by Dr. Lawrence Britt

Dr. Lawrence Britt has examined the fascist regimes of G.W. Bush (USA), Hitler (Germany), Mussolini (Italy), Franco (Spain), Suharto (Indonesia) and several Latin American regimes. Britt found 14-defining characteristics common to each:

1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism -
Fascist regimes tend to make constant use of patriotic mottos,
slogans, symbols, songs, and other paraphernalia. Flags are seen
everywhere, as are flag symbols on clothing and in public displays.

God bless magnetic ribbons.

2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights -
Because of fear of enemies and the need for security, the people in fascist regimes are persuaded that human rights can be ignored in certain cases because of "need." The people tend to look the other way or even approve of torture, summary executions, assassinations, long incarcerations of prisoners, etc.

3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause -
The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial , ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, etc.

4. Supremacy of the Military -
Even when there are widespread domestic problems, the military is given a disproportionate amount of government funding, and the domestic agenda is neglected. Soldiers and military service are glamorized.

We have spent something along the lines of $1.6 Trillion dollars on the military and the war and we have not reduced terrorism one fraction of one percent with our efforts in Iraq. We have not made the country more secure, in fact, we are more at risk now than we ever have been thanks to Bush and his policies.

5. Rampant Sexism -
The governments of fascist nations tend to be almost exclusively
male-dominated. Under fascist regimes, traditional gender roles are made more rigid. Divorce, abortion and homosexuality are suppressed and the state is represented as the ultimate guardian of the family institution.

6. Controlled Mass Media -
Sometimes to media is directly controlled by the government, but in other cases, the media is indirectly controlled by government
regulation, or sympathetic media spokespeople and executives.
Censorship, especially in war time, is very common.

7. Obsession with National Security -
Fear is used as a motivational tool by the government over the masses.

Patriot Act. Do you know what kind of stuff is actually in that thing?

8. Religion and Government are Intertwined -
Governments in fascist nations tend to use the most common religion in the nation as a tool to manipulate public opinion. Religious rhetoric and terminology is common from government leaders, even when the major tenets of the religion are diametrically opposed to the government's policies or actions.

9. Corporate Power is Protected -
The industrial and business aristocracy of a fascist nation often are the ones who put the government leaders into power, creating a mutually beneficial business/government relationship and power elite.

10. Labor Power is Suppressed -
Because the organizing power of labor is the only real threat to a
fascist government, labor unions are either eliminated entirely, or
are severely suppressed.

Unions are being hit heavy. The general work force in America is under attack. Minimum wage being kept below poverty levels when it should be raised to match and reflect the standard cost of living increase. Contracts are biasly handed to government companies that are highly unqualified.

11. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts -
Fascist nations tend to promote and tolerate open hostility to higher education, and academia. It is not uncommon for professors and other academics to be censored or even arrested. Free expression in the arts and letters is openly attacked.

Bush has cut funding 4 years straight for all arts programs nationwide.

12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment -
Under fascist regimes, the police are given almost limitless power to enforce laws. The people are often willing to overlook police abuses and even forego civil liberties in the name of patriotism. There is often a national police force with virtually unlimited power in fascist nations.

13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption -
Fascist regimes almost always are governed by groups of friends and associates who appoint each other to government positions and use governmental power and authority to protect their friends from accountability. It is not uncommon in fascist regimes for national resources and even treasures to be appropriated or even outright stolen by government leaders.

Not one person in Bush's cabinet is qualified. Every single person Bush has employed has been because of friendship, not experience, not tallent, not qualifications, but friendship, and friendship alone. Which accounts for the drastic slide downward in everything concerning our countries vitality and progress.

14. Fraudulent Elections -
Sometimes elections in fascist nations are a complete sham. Other times elections are manipulated by smear campaigns against or even assassination of opposition candidates, use of legislation to control voting numbers or political district boundaries, and manipulation of the media. Fascist nations also typically use their judiciaries to manipulate or control elections.

We should all know by now this has happened twice in a row.

And there you have it, we're not heading toward a fascist state, we are one! Cheers!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

His Name is Sam

This Story is about why you should take care of your pets and get them desexed. You gots to go get yer Pets Spayed or Nutered, yeah, I sound like Bob Barker, but it's the god damn truth, I don't understand how people can be so fucking selfish and careless when it comes to pets! You Don't got the Money, well, then you don't get a pet! I waited a long time to get my wonderful Cat Loki, and Nadine waited even longer to get Nanou, I love those little guys, The Image of wheel barrows full of dead kittens and puppys disturbs me greatly, I hope it disturbs you too!

An Animal's Prayer

I ask for the privilege of not being born. . .
not to be born until
You can assure me of a home
and a person to protect me,
and the right to live as long
as I am physically able to enjoy life. . .
not to be born until my body is precious
and people have ceased to exploit it
because it is cheap and plentiful

Monday, December 05, 2005

Bus Boy Blues

The "Metro Transit’s planning and development manager Ken Silver told
councillors eight new buses scheduled to roll out soon will only
maintain current levels of service and will not mean more frequent
service on existing routes."

And Metro Transit (Metro Authority, or what ever that company's name is) will do nothing about the problem, well, isn't that nice! I See this a new bus #81 that goes to some
Hemlock Ravine place goin all the time with no one on it! What the Fuck is up with that! The bus system here in Halifax is good, I can't complain, it gets me to work every day, but it could be much better, I would hate to watch the 80 pass by on a nice Blizzardy day. They have bus ads now thanking people for using the Rickiddy ol bus system, well gee Shucks, Thanks fer noticin that I'ma brok ass mutha Fucka and cant afford my own Personal Gas Guzzlin SUV, hahaha!

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Pic Post is Workin!

And I got a New Black Crab Boy T shirt over in my store! and My online Crab Boy comic is Rockin, and I got a new Job today. It's Government funded, and helps people with differing abilities have an independant and full life, I will be like a Superhero Accountant... I saw an ad for Windows that talked about an accountant who did the same thing, funny thing is, I do more than just a Comic using a Mac! Great isn't it!! hahahahaha, well, in honour of Crab Boy, Here is the artwork for the new Shirt, It is a Link to the Store too!!
the Black Shirt isn't for sale yet, check back soon, I will be gettin one!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Dexterous Doings - This Blog is Linked to Crab Boy Some How...

Dexterous Doings: "8 Gifts that do not cost a cent.

But you must REALLY listen. No interrupting, no daydreaming,
no planning your response. Just listening.

Be generous with appropriate hugs, kisses,
pats on the back and handholds.
Let these small actions demonstrate the love you have for family and

Email funpages to your friends. Share articles and funny stories.
Your gift will say, 'I love to laugh with you.'

It can be a simple 'Thanks for the help' note or a full sonnet.
A brief, handwritten note may be remembered for a lifetime,
and may even change a life.

A simple and sincere, 'You look great in red,'
'You did a super job' or 'That was a wonderful meal'
can make someone's day.

Every day, go out of your way to do something kind.

There are times when we want nothing better than to be left alone.
Be sensitive to those times
and give the gift of solitude to others.

The easiest way to feel good is to
extend a kind word to someone,
really it's not that hard to say, 'Hello' or 'Thank You'."

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

George Monbiot Passive Driving

George Monbiot Passive Driving: "vehicles(2). This is a problem three orders of magnitude greater than"

This is a great article, I suggest you all take a read, a Paruse if you will, now stop driving your one person Ass all over town in your big Stinky SUV! I do not have a Vehicle, mainly because I am Poor, but that is ok, my conscience is clear about the pollution I spew, Reduce, Recycle, Re-use, Invest in Bike Lanes, invest in vehicles that produce less emissions, DEMAND that your vehicles produce less emissions, only drive when you need to.

If there is a Future, the people in the future will look back at us as fools, because we burned up all of our petrolium! There is not an endless supply in the desert like Shiek Abdul Opex would like you to think! Production is goin down and now it is time to tighten the belt and get down to fuckin business!

Monday, October 31, 2005

Katrina Cock-Ups: Exaggerated Stories of Hurricane Chaos in New Orleans

Katrina Cock-Ups: Exaggerated Stories of Hurricane Chaos in New Orleans - International - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News: "Exaggerated Stories of Hurricane Chaos in New Orleans"

well, that is some mighty fine lyin' that the media did there, I knew that people would not want to have sex after they had just been through so much trauma. I feel pretty stupid for even tryin to believe that.

I hate the media that is owned by big corporations who control the government, yeah, this shit happens in Canada too. Really, when American Media says something, Canadian media should be there to say, "Wait a second here, that is not the truth", in this case, that was impossible because no one was allowed in, not even the relief that a lot of countries around the world sent, yet America, in all it's wisdom decided that the help was not needed.

Media, Will you ever stop Lyin to Me,
It's like Propoganda for the 21st Century!

I mean, if I was in that situation, getting the Necessities to everyone involved would be my first concern, and I suspect that there was more people looking for food than Plasma TV Looting, I suspect that this informnmation was created out of panic, Rumour, and a sprinkling racisim, cause it's not too difficult to make a white person scared of a black person, they murder and rape ya know! (vinnie hangs his head in shame for even considering that those rape stories were truth) This is just another lie propogated by the American Media to make the Government look, well... Not so bad, "Why arn't more people helping?" blame the Dangerous black man! People were dyin and could have been saved but, because america wants to hide it's BLACK eye, it wears an eye patch, yet the other eye is blind! How's that for some crazy analogy makin!

Additionally, Here is a great blog about this subject on the ...

Myths of New Orleans: Poor, Bad Blacks -- Who Got What They Deserved

Thursday, October 27, 2005

The Real Truth About 911 Revealed at Last! "The Real Truth About 911 Revealed at
Last! Number 123"

I thought that looked like a controlled demolition, guess a few others saw that too! This is what Haliburton will do for increased profits! Yum Yum, more money for us! you guys gotta go check out the Cheney Bio I linked, it's crazy!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


CBC: The fifth estate - Watch Video

This wonderful program is 41 minutes long, and well worth watching. It really pieces things together, Bet some of you will find it kinda "Michael Mooreish" in it's exposure of what is really going on. Don't let the Man keep you down, Fight The Power! Haha

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

CBC News: Study dumps on Canada's environmental record

CBC News: Study dumps on Canada's environmental record: "CBC News"

Dang, I would expect better of Canadian corporations and people too! It's no surprize though, there are a lot of SUVs on the streets, Halifax Harbour (they are workin on that). But I think we are gettin better. There are the recycling people like me, who like to sepperate garbage. I'm glad homeless people can get a little money by collecting recyclables, that's a good thing. Yeah, a solar pannel on every building, thats what I wanna see! Why not wind mills atop high rises! Now thats an Idea! Rockit Like a Hurricane Bitches!

Monday, September 26, 2005


Howdy Folks, Yesterday I worked on some new crabboy comics, Coloured em in and everything, so ya should check em out. Also last week I got rid of some of my old toys, 35 ziplock bags full of em, Mike said he would gimme $40, that's cool, I can afford to go see Nashville Pussy now.

Haven't heared back from Carmen yet about a position I interviewed for last Monday, I will bug her again this afternoon I guess, I gotta go get Kitty food now, I will go see Mike too, try to get tha money, I will also offer my services in Toy inventory expertise! Yeah, So go read some crabboy comics and leave me some feedback!

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Grass Power

Here's a link to the BBC news site, Elephant grass will be grown to be burnt for energy.


We need more food, not more shit to burn!

Decentralized farms woud help w/ distribution of foods because of foods perishable nature.

hopefull the agriculturalists will remember that Hemp is an important crop too, with many more uses than elephant grass.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Cute Nanou

The cute Nanou will make ya feel better!

Crabdate 09/05/05

Some serious up dating has been goin on over at Crab Boy Comics, so ya best be goin over there and checkin it out! I won't share my thoughts on Disaster right now, that shit is just too depressing, and I can't be depressed right now, I got job interviews to do, applied for a great job today! Very exciting! Woo Hoo!

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Thursday, August 25, 2005

bla bla bla

Nothing is new, or goin on right now, but I am thinkin and workin on alot, which is good, I guess, I've got to keep my mind busy and focused, the page linked below is kinda a side project, to work on once inna while, when ever I get bored or need a laugh.... I laugh at my own cartoons, I guess I must be the only one then! hahaah, More Coffee!!!!! I out!

Monday, August 22, 2005

Crab Boy Comics

Crab Boy Comics Crab Boy Comics Crab Boy Comics Crab Boy Comics Crab Boy Comics Crab Boy Comics Crab Boy Comics Crab Boy Comics Crab Boy Comics Crab Boy Comics Crab Boy Comics Crab Boy Comics Crab Boy Comics Crab Boy Comics Crab Boy Comics Crab Boy Comics

New Tag Box

There is a New tag box thing down below the Links, just thought I'd add that for fun, and mess with the templates too, Maybe make em better.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

The Beginning of Crab Boy Online

This is just the beginning, what will come to follow, who knows? For these are the voyages of the Boy that is the Crab, or the Crab that is the Boy, will we ever know, will we ever care, for one that is so different, in his heart he is human. Click the Comic to go to the New Page!

Friday, August 12, 2005

This Beat is Military - Canadian Peace Keepers?

Seems that the Canadian Forces are going to start doing the American forces jobs over in Ass-Ganistan, I love this Quote

"We're not the public service of Canada, we're not just another department. We are the Canadian Forces and our job is to be able to kill people."
- Rick Hillier, Canada's new Chief of Defence Staff

Listening to Mike Malloy, the afganistan invasion isn't going so well, that's not hard to believe, this war is a lie all around, and president Liar now must force his alies to help him out. I hope Canada does it right, that we help the people, and not hurt the people... Here's the Government of Canada's website dedicated to our Afganistan occupation. Don't let the Liberals touch that money, they will give it to an Advertising firm that does no work

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Canada Should Do this Too!!!!

China is Investing in Solar Panels for all of Shang Hai's rooftops, I think that this is a Great Idea, and I think that Canada should push for this test here too, I think the $ value for this test is 1.8 Million, but will be well worth it, and it's not like anyone in America will get the ball rolling.. here's a Link to the Article, I first heared about this on talk radio "The Young Turks", these guys are great. They also talked about how Bush passed the energy bill before the EPA report stating that car makers are making cars less effecient that 20 years ago, Pfft, I'm so sick of what America is doing and choosing not to do, (actualy a lot of things are changing for the better, and I for see a lot of positive Ideas comming out at this time... Not bad), I cannot state that enough, When does Parliment get back in Session, I wanna rag on the Canadian Government and Criminister Paul Martin... hey a Martin is part of the Weasel family! And quite endangered too!

Linky Link from Stinky Vink and Other Fun Things, Like Primerica

I'm thinking about Posting about Primerica, one of my readers sent me a comment that I saved (Her/Him) from Primerica, that brings a Smile to my face! Funnier than that, I've been receiving phonecalls for an interview from againprimerica. Now, as soon as the caller said that she had my Resume, I knew to say no thanks, and hung up.... What I should have done was Let her go on, asked some questions, and write down her answers,,, Ya Know, Take up as much of her time as I could, Anyway, I got her Number in the Phone, so I May call back. The reason I want more Info is because, well, A writer has gotten intouch with me, and wants to hear my experience at primerica... A girl got in touch with me about that too, said she was from CBC, this guy Is Freelance writing for CBC, I hope he can sell his story! I think that's how it goes anyway, I sure hope he ain't a Primerica Agent!! :( I don't think That he is, Anyway, The following is a link to my EhMac post about Primerica.....

Primerica Employment Scam


Saturday, August 06, 2005

Mango Update

Look at these bad boys!

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Toys that Rock and Roll all Night...

and Par-Tee Ev-a-re Day!
Notice Jim Morrison in the back, he's singin Peace Frog right now!

Thursday, July 28, 2005


Just Listnin to Beatallica, they are Pretty sweet , Click on Music to Watch a video or Download all their MP3s for Free! Woo Hoo! I didn't get the job at the Coast, That Fuckin Sucks, it was the best interview I ever had, I was sure I would get the job, not so, they said they Hired someone with more receivable experience, I don't know what to do, just look for another job I guess, but Damn, They even had Macs in the office! So yeah, there doesn't look to be much today, I think one of the Jobs on line is for Miller Tire, So I won't bother sending in a Resume for that one.

Monday, July 25, 2005

How Weird am I???

You Are 60% Weird

You're so weird, you think you're *totally* normal. Right?
But you wig out even the biggest of circus freaks!

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Baddass Turtle

This is one bigass snappin turtle, don't look it in the eye or he will bite your head off!

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Bickiddy Bam!

Go ahead Lunchbox, wake that bitch up!

Horrid and Medusa Love

Just givin the Snake a little Tug!

Blog This...

Nadine says that all you can do is do your best and be a good person. I love Nadine.

Hip Hop Anonomous

Vulgarity is the first step towards violence, this is an interesting statement sent to me from an adoring fan. I think vulgarity is deffinatly an expression of strong emotion, violence is a physical act, often brought about by a strong emotion, but I don't think they are mutualy exclusive, meaning that you can have vulgarity that does not leed to violence, perhaps I have used vulgarity in place of violence. Yet violence and vulgarity are both used to scare people, so there is a correlation there, and used together they can be quite effective.

If you were offended by my post, well, it was ment to offend, but also remember, just because someone says something, well, it doesn't mean that it is true.

Saw the running of the Bulls on NBC this morning, those folks were loving it! Poor bulls though, scared outta their whitts, stumbling in the street, falling on their heads, it's quite barbaric really, oh, but we must fight against de bull, rememmber how many people get gored to death at the running of the bulls. Well, really, it's their own fault, they took the risk, they knew the dangers. I hope that no one got gored this year, and I hope those bulls were ok, but that's not the reality.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

this is one I gave to Andrea

Sweet, I love having my art on line, possible for some rich fool to find and purchase my art for great wads of cash, hopefully I don't offend him with political banter! yeah, so this one is in Andrea's Art Gallery, I like the background on this one too, it rocks!

Art Cats, the Colourings

This is the Blue Cat, I really like the way I did the eyes on this one

Orange Cat, I think I made this in honour of Nanou, I like the way the background came out on this one

Nadine painted this guy, I just did the layout, fun times

And, this is my very first painting of a Cat, It's pretty detailed, look at those claws! haha, it''s my art and I love it!

Monday, July 11, 2005

Reprehensable Uncomprehensable

I rhyme so sweet and unconventional
haha, Sorry my posts have been so unfocused and winding as of late, it's just cause I think alot, and my mind tends to jump around, especially when I have a lot to say, take it easy, let it flow, tomorrow is yoga night, I love it, it's like a room fulla practically necked wimmin, all hot as hell, and I'm supposed to be there, Nadine can't get mad or nutthin, not that she would, basically she kicks my ass to go out once inna while. I mean, I only am here or at the gym, the gardens are nice, but not everyday, maybe I should start running around the city and be one of them Jogger Folk, Hey Pete Wanna go Jogging!? hahahaa I never trusted them Joggers, they say that Joggers get an Adrenalin High, Fuckin Junkies Runnin around, weavin in and out of regular pedestrians, woo, It's thundrin out side.... I gotta go now, I've said too much!

Sunday, July 10, 2005

My Ugly Mug

Yuck, Look at those blackheads, Vinnie, Don'tcha know to use some facial scrub!? haha, not a Pretty sight eh!? this is just part of a face study I was doing, Kinda like when I put My face on a photocopier and came out with this imageThis was one of my first "Colourings" from back in highschool art class, the dream lives on, haha! I am who ever you think I am because I am all I want to be....that quote goes out to trevor sawler, aka Rovert Rewals, Aka Emmily Kane, Jusus Krist, He's the weirdist guy I know!

Friday, July 08, 2005

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Public Gardens

This is where I like to go walking with the Ducks, they don't like to pose for pics like My cats do!

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

This is an awesome fish, it is an angler from the Deep Deep Deep! Pretty Scarry eh Kids! Look at them teeth, that think will poke yer frickin eye out! Sleep tight!

It's rainin outside

Wow, three inna row, just cause it's ranin I guess


Oh, I got another one to upload, this is lookin good!

Pic Posting Test

Wow, it Let me Post today, OK, this is me from my "Blue" period, I ate a ot of blueberries around that time.

G8, Ain't it Great

I'm just reading an article over on Michael Moore's site, It's about the G8 Meeting that is starting today. It is quite interesting that George Bus refuses to help our planet out. Global Warming is really going to change our planet, we are going to loose a lot of life here, I guess I much have attachment issues with this beautiful planet. I wonder if George Bush is capable of love... Does he appreciate what he has. I mean, he is alive, he has two eyes to see with, two hands to touch with, a mouth to taste, Legs that carry him, a family, a nice house, prolly a few vehicles, lots of food, an umbrella to shade him from the rain or sun, and lots of capital, much more than anyone would need. I hope Geogre Bush is content, happy, safe, yes, even Loved, there, I said it, I hope George Bush has someone that loves him, because he is a human just like me, and he needs love too, we all do, but I don't agree with his actions, not at all...

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Yoga Schmoga

Well Im off to Yoga class, that shit is fun and the teacher is Nadine's trainer. The Class is just intro yoga but it is hard, yet fun, I kinda like it, and Now that I have an "Active Life Style" (pfft, we shall see how long this lasts) I like doing different different types pf activities. It focuses my mind, as I concentrate on my breathing, I can draw my attention in and quite my mind, at least that is the goal, but Monkies tend to chatter away in the trees over head. Seeing such shameful, dishonourable leadership disgusts me, I do not want people in other countries suffering, yet I cannot get swamped in pain and darkness where there is no refuge, we must create a vision, a goal, a Plan of action, so that we have a reason to keep working, living, feeding, and reproducing. For our Sanity and Our Survival....that was quite a tangent I went off on, seriously, I don't have time to worry about the Americans, I got to find some work! that is what I need, dang it! OK, well, I really just wanted to blab some blabbing, shame and dishonour crap, but resourses are limited, that's just a fact, like Bush's vocabulary.

Being Aware in Blissful Ignorance...

is tough to do, while the mind frolics in pleasure, diverted from the reality around, it is the only way, when faced with harsh suffering, for one to survive. That may sound a litle convoluted, but it gets to the heart of what I would like to discuss today....
the Pics below were created by me, I used the Underword Skateboarding Devil For the Nerd Devil, South Park Eyes and Mouth, Goes together Pretty good eh!. G.W.Liar is just Type over a Pic, Opacity on type Turned Down, I also Like that one, Good Stuff! Just drinkin my Mornin Coffee, at 11:51 am.... Geez, Nadine and I are going to the gym and the Art Gallery and later I will go visit pete, That will be fun, Maybe borrow some movies off his ass, he has lots of great films! I'm having trouble posting pics... tyhis troubles me, I downloaded and am using Mozilla just for this purpose, and that too is crappin out on me, the Pic begins to load and then just White... Dissappointing, I make sure all the Pics are small... Hmmm, OK, I will just read help again rather than bitch!

Monday, July 04, 2005

Liar Liar, Pants on Fire!

Looking at America, Objectivly?

I have been listening to a lot of Leftist radio, intersperced with a little bit Rush Limbah, fuck I hate that guy, What a Fucking asshole. I'm trying to understand exactly what is going on with those criminals down there. I call them criminals because that is exactly they have proven themselves to be. I can't believe the Bullshite that Cunt Bush Spouts, what the Fuck!? I sound really intelligent right now, but it is good to wallow in profanity at times, like a nice thick mud!

OK, so O'Connor has steped down.... HMMMM She really stood out as a Superme court judge, I believe that Maybe she really felt bad about what she saw going on, that paired with he husbands failing health, well, it's not a Strech to think that she may have been pressured to step down.

Today is July 4, Yay America, and on this awesome day, I bid you Good Day... No, Awesome Day! Fight the Man, Man!

this is the Frog... the Big Bad Frog...

OK, This May Not be worthy of a Theme song by Ozzy, But I still Like it, this is Frog #1, meaning that it is the First in a Possible Series of Frogs. I Read in a Freng Sui book that Frogs and turtles are good Luck, So my Next may be a turtle... Still no Job, But that's OK, I'm goin to the gym today, and it is Damn Sunny and nice for the Second day in a Row, which is Great, All the People at work are Prolly Hatin it though! Thus is My Luck of life, I can't have the Good without some Misfortune.... But that's just the way life is Eh, ya Take the Goood and Ya take the Bad!

Sunday, July 03, 2005

It Posted!! Yay!

this is Just a Test of the Pic Post Feature, Yes it is True, I can Now Take Pics of My art and Post em!!, I Will have to get some pics of the Frog on Here, OK, Well, Thats it for Now! Later!

Accountant to The Undead!

Vincent the Vampire Accountant

Ah, This is the First of Many Stupid Pics Posted Here, Now that I have Downloaded Mozilla on to My Mac I Can Post Pics to My Hearts Content, I Love it, thank you Blogger, This will be a Way to Get My Art and Mind on the web... not that the world needs another Crazy person Posting on the Internet... Here I am, Rock Me Like a Hurricane!

The Frog is Almost Done

Well, I Worked on the Frog yesterday, It's almost done, It's green, Just regular Green, but It's still cool, I traced it with a Charcoal pencil, Then I used a Regular pencil on the Other side of the tracing paper to transfer it to the Canvas, From there I just coloured it with pastel. I'm going to put some Fixative Spray on it now and then add some Outlines and Colour on top of that if I Need it. Nadine says it Looks pretty good, It looks... Childfish to Me, Just because it's a Trace/Colour art piece, Maybe when I get Better at Drawing Frogs, When I can Stylize My own....

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Brad from the says That I should report on what I am finding in the News today, Well, That is what I am doing... Ya Know, I don't like what the US Government is doing.... but it is doing what empires have always done, Kipling's fine work "Kim" shows us that, do a Gooogle search if you want to find out more about that book. I'm going to be working on a Frog Painting next, That will Be Fun!, I Love That Kinda Stuff, Painting and all, I Think I will Make the frog strange Complimentary Colours... That doesnt Really Work though, Cause Frogs come in Many colours.... Maybe I will just Paint it green, That;ll Work!

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

2004 - what a weird year

And boy did it suck, the Summer was cold and grey
I only posted here like 6 times last year, I was really on in 2002 and 3, Guess the work world relaxed my creative juices, Now that I have free , pfft, just Time I'm not Paid for, I can be Creative, well, I Need to be, I Gotta Keep Sharp, Im takin Speed Readin, So that will help, Then I Can learn Lotsa Shit Real fast, That will be fun, Then I can really Take down the Amerikkkan Emperiors, Fuck Them, They will Distroy my beloved Planet, well, Maybe not, America is Dumb at the Heart of things. They don't think about the Repercussions of the things they do, it's been that way Historicaly, Now that they are the World Dominator, Their Egos tell them that their way is the only Way, and their Heightened sense of superiority blinds them to the truth. they believe the shit spouted on CNN, Fuck they are Dumb, Listen to some outer News sources you Fucks! :) Fuckin FucKs! I'm Going to Listen to some twisted Sister Now!

Wednesday Coffee Date 062205

OK, I was thinking well into the wee Hours Lastnight.. It was not fun, I Just tried to focus on my Breathing... Eventually I Fell asleep. No New Jobs to apply for today, that Sucks Really, Nadine says that I will find a Job soon, and I Know she is Right! So I try not to worry too much and just apply. yestwerday was a really nice day, today it is pretty Cloudy, I think our summers on the eastcoast have been fucked because of global warmang, The Environmental scientists say that we are Fucked, In our last Minute as they say.... And they are Prolly right, But how do you get a world that is built on consumerism to wake the Fuck up??? We can only consume so much until we become a plague of Locusts and destroy our home. If we allow ourselves to be driven by businesses who rape the earth and sell it back to us. Doesn't sound really positive, does it, Would you want to hire some with suck a negitive outlook, ?? Hell No, OK, well, Here is some advice, Wake the Fuck up People, One person Driving to in an SUV, Pick up some fuckin Hitchhikers Asshole! Wasting Trees to Make Paper, Fuck off, use Hemp, it is Much Better, and it is Not Weed, you cannot get High from Hemp. I would like to see Plastics not used atall, it takes Oil to Make Plastic, and Stop burning oil for fuel, Don't be so stupid, That stuff is a Gift from the Dinosaurs, we can use it to make much better Materials. OK, That's it for now, I'll swear at ya Later, V!

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Howdy Friends, Romans and Country folk, I haven't written any good blogs latley, Mainly cause I been doing the Thinking and forming thoughts, but not writing them down, so now, after a long day of thinking, I will sit down and Blab on here, it will Make a fun record of things, and you wont Bash my Anit American Rhetoric! OK, Im Gettin a Coffee, Ill Be Back...

OK, I'm Back, OK, So I Got a Headache tonight, I Think it's My Lack of weed, but really, The Fact that I'm Writing on Here is a result of No weed, I'm bored, the Living room is full of people and I just want to be alone right now. So Why, Why do I smoke too much weed? I Don't have a Job right now, So I Don't smoke as much weed as I used to, so The Lack of weed has brought me here, Back to a Time when I would write My thoughts down in a Coffee Shop. This is my Virtual Sketch Book I Guess, without the Funny Little Drawlings, Which is too Bad! :) the Reason I smoke weed is to Feel Positive and Forget about what I am thinking... But What am I thinking, I Want weed, So to forget the weed I gotta do somethin else, thus, being a nerd and posting on the Internet. I've been Going to the gym alot latley too, Just to avoid Smokin... That Really has not worked well. I will hit the Gym tomorrow, as I did yesterday, that will be something to look forward to.... Before I call the Weed Man anyway. I called for weed today but he could no deliver, I will call again, as I always do....

So what have I been thinkin Latley that has put me in this funky state??? Well, I'm glad you ask.. Number one I don't have a job right now, I've been hunting, but no leads yet, I did get a job for 3 days, I went in, and after 3 days I was sure that I did not want to be involved with the company, so I left, I was able to keep My EI is still Commin through though, So that's good I guess, yeah, so I been thinkin that I might not be as good as I think I am, not that I think that I am that Great. Canadian and American Politics fuckin piss me off big time, all these egos and war, bah, ya gotta work together to get shit done, the way those fucks work is that they squak about nothin all fuckin day long, I Know, I get to watch CPAC all day long if I so Choose! So I been thinkin about how I really hope that these assholes can pull themselves together, we have some really tough challenges to face, economic, social and environmental! I get to Listen to independant radio so I hear way more news sources than those Dumb Amerikkkan CNN Clones, that whole station is a Fuckin Lie! OK, I will write more Later of what I think, and I will try to play My hand and Make some changes, and tell you of My success or Failure, OK, Later! V

Monday, June 06, 2005

it's 1:11 am, Does that mean something, well, I'm up late, I can't sleep, Im Thinkin way too much these days. I'm unemployed, I need a Job, I need to make Money, Im thinkin too much, I'm feeln way down in the dumps, I don't really want to do much, I smoke way too much weed, but Havent had any for a while, which is good, I can go without, no Money means no weed anyway, so that's good I guess, I broke the bank and got coffee today, thats pretty sad. butr I needed something, it's spring time, but the Weather is Shitty, well, so was last summer! I don't have much to say really, Just that I'm board, been downloading eBooks, That's fun! Now I just need to Read them.. Developing a Super Memory, Speed Reading, and the Little book that can Change yer Life are the first on my list. In Paperback form I am reading the Life of Pi, Not bad so far, but I'm only 16 Pages in, that's why I need Speed reading!! Maybe I will do Speed Typing too, since I cant Crack into any typing Tutor Software. OK, That's all For tonight, Tune in Next time for the Next installment

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

I'm so glad that blog accounts don't get deleted, like hotmail accounts, Cause it has been a while since I have had Something to say, Im a little drunk right now, So itr might be a little weiord or mispelled! OK ya Blogna Here goes.... Today is a day, Just lie any other day, Our Reality is flowering, yet..... Lets start again.... The Fall of the.... The Last thing I want to Say is.... That is all... Thanks!!!

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Update: Feb 22, 2005

I'm starting to see things more Clearly