Tuesday, November 01, 2005

George Monbiot Passive Driving

George Monbiot Passive Driving: "vehicles(2). This is a problem three orders of magnitude greater than"

This is a great article, I suggest you all take a read, a Paruse if you will, now stop driving your one person Ass all over town in your big Stinky SUV! I do not have a Vehicle, mainly because I am Poor, but that is ok, my conscience is clear about the pollution I spew, Reduce, Recycle, Re-use, Invest in Bike Lanes, invest in vehicles that produce less emissions, DEMAND that your vehicles produce less emissions, only drive when you need to.

If there is a Future, the people in the future will look back at us as fools, because we burned up all of our petrolium! There is not an endless supply in the desert like Shiek Abdul Opex would like you to think! Production is goin down and now it is time to tighten the belt and get down to fuckin business!

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