Thursday, February 02, 2006

This is weird, I'm not a Marxist nor a Hedonist, aka Kiss my Ass Rosie O'Donnel

WASHINGTON — A prominent U.S. right-wing commentator has welcomed the election victory of Stephen Harper and the Conservatives, expressing hope that the prime-minister-designate will work to eradicate the "cultural Marxism" he says infests the neighbour to the north.

In an on-line commentary published on his website, Paul Weyrich, chairman of the Free Congress Foundation, said that he hopes Mr. Harper will use the next four years to replace Liberal-named judges who back same-sex marriage and abortion with appointees who are more to his liking.

"As has been the case in the United States, cultural Marxism largely has been foisted upon Canada by the courts," Mr. Weyrich wrote, drawing a parallel with the right-wing analysis of what ails America. "If judges who respect the Constitution were to be appointed, they would confirm that such rights are not to be found in that document. Sound familiar?"

Yet Mr. Weyrich, 61, a veteran of the U.S. culture wars, said that despite his hopes for a sharp right turn in Canada, radical change could take a long time. "The people of Canada have become so liberal and hedonistic that the public ethic in the country immediately could not be reversed. But with leadership, it may well be possible to change the public ethic."

Marx·ism Pronunciation Key (märk szm)n
The political and economic philosophy of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in which the concept of class struggle plays a central role in understanding society's allegedly inevitable development from bourgeois oppression under capitalism to a socialist and ultimately classless society.

I do believe in a free education for all citizens of Canada, I think that it is the one tool that the Government should be able to provide.

he·don·ism P Pronunciation Key (h dn- zm)
Pursuit of or devotion to pleasure, especially to the pleasures of the senses.
Philosophy. The ethical doctrine holding that only what is pleasant or has pleasant consequences is intrinsically good.
Psychology. The doctrine holding that behavior is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.

Life is inherantly painful, but if one can keep a clear mind, and see what is really hapening, then that can make life less painful. You have to follow some steps to attain a clear mind, no drugs, no boozin it up! Life is a pretty great journy in and of itself, sometimes it feels bleek and hopeless, especially when Rosie O'Donnel comes on TV and says that Canada is supposed to be the USA's moral conscience, WTF is up with that. I used to enjoy the Rosie Show, but a position (as a Moral Objector??? WTF can I do, I cannot effect legislation in America, so all I do is tell americans how stupid they are, well, that doesent really fuckin work! I know it's because I'm such a jackass about the way I choose to say things, ah well) like that is one I do not want to have, I fight with fuckin American's quite enough about their shitass Ideals, it's like the Jerry Springer Show really, That show is a good example of what is bad in society I think, it happens in Canada too, so it is not limited to our southren neighbours. Where was I..... Drink More Coffee... Need to Stop, Must Clear Mind ,, Hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

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