Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Vinnie's Book of the "How ever long it takes me to fuckin read it" Club, Update

March 1, 2006
ooooooooh! This book is pissin me off so bad, to read the way this "President"(?Dick-Tator) has tarnished his opponents with lies and built his platform around family and god, and then took all the money from poorer families with a raise in taxes while sheltering companies which gain a greater benefit from their environment because they have the tools to exploit it. Oh yes, this is the free market, free my fuckin ass! the social and environmental costs that the citizens see is far greater than any benefit given to them. I understand what these companies are all about... Share Holder Profit Over ALLLLLLLLLL!!!!

I understand this because I have studies the tools of this devil, I know how Bid-ness Works, I also know how government works, it's a fuckin joke! As an Accountant I am so very fuckin puzzled about the way votes are tallied. Diebold cannot be trusted because they have to maximize shareholder profit and can be motivated by money, I wonder how much this contract was worth to them... Fuck, I Digress, anyway that book was pissin me off so much I decided to stop reading it for a while and flip over to,Al makes me laugh, the forward in The Truth is written by annonomous, I wonder who it could be...?? haha Anyway, these books will complement each other very well, I made it to page 70 of the GW Lies Book, Man that guy lies alot, I think that is why he acts so stupid, so people won't expect that much of him, but that's just my guess... I wonder what kind of relationship he has with his daughters... I mean he does claim to up hold "Family" in the Male, Female and Kids relationship sence of the term... There are infact many different types of relationships in this world, to have a clear view of reality one must accept this... Blah Bla Bla, well, I do like the Footnotes in the GW Lies book,
the 9-11 Lies was just referenced with end notes, I didn't like that aspect, but it was very revealing, and I do I highly recommend it! Open yer Eyes Mutha Fuckas! American's should read this book, really, Lots of good questions in here, unfortunatly, time will tell the truth, and that will be a sad day! Read on muther Fuckers, and never stop reading, I don't care if you read Coultard, just give me something intelligent to argue against!


Vinnie said...

Well, I'm not limiting my reading to just Al Franken, there are lots of books for me too read, and I will get too them. And yes, I do understand that Canadiand have voted in a Minority Conservative Government. Kinda like a Bull with one testicle.

Vinnie said...

I like the way you automatically discount everything your opponent has to say, like a true republican! If you are not with us, you are against us! What a limiting statement! Not very good logic! I dissagree with you, but I am not automatically your enemy. Or is an enemy “anyone with a Differing Viewpoint and dares to question you“.