Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Canada Should Do this Too!!!!

China is Investing in Solar Panels for all of Shang Hai's rooftops, I think that this is a Great Idea, and I think that Canada should push for this test here too, I think the $ value for this test is 1.8 Million, but will be well worth it, and it's not like anyone in America will get the ball rolling.. here's a Link to the Article, I first heared about this on talk radio "The Young Turks", these guys are great. They also talked about how Bush passed the energy bill before the EPA report stating that car makers are making cars less effecient that 20 years ago, Pfft, I'm so sick of what America is doing and choosing not to do, (actualy a lot of things are changing for the better, and I for see a lot of positive Ideas comming out at this time... Not bad), I cannot state that enough, When does Parliment get back in Session, I wanna rag on the Canadian Government and Criminister Paul Martin... hey a Martin is part of the Weasel family! And quite endangered too!

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