Wednesday, June 22, 2005

2004 - what a weird year

And boy did it suck, the Summer was cold and grey
I only posted here like 6 times last year, I was really on in 2002 and 3, Guess the work world relaxed my creative juices, Now that I have free , pfft, just Time I'm not Paid for, I can be Creative, well, I Need to be, I Gotta Keep Sharp, Im takin Speed Readin, So that will help, Then I Can learn Lotsa Shit Real fast, That will be fun, Then I can really Take down the Amerikkkan Emperiors, Fuck Them, They will Distroy my beloved Planet, well, Maybe not, America is Dumb at the Heart of things. They don't think about the Repercussions of the things they do, it's been that way Historicaly, Now that they are the World Dominator, Their Egos tell them that their way is the only Way, and their Heightened sense of superiority blinds them to the truth. they believe the shit spouted on CNN, Fuck they are Dumb, Listen to some outer News sources you Fucks! :) Fuckin FucKs! I'm Going to Listen to some twisted Sister Now!

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