Tuesday, May 07, 2002

I Fucking Hate:
Being Sick, Being Cramped up, People who pretend to be nice but are assholes, Fucking Groupwork, People in general, Peptobismal, being too sick to sleep, getting up early for school, being a broke ass, being too sick to work out, headaches, slow downloads, not knowing shit, needing a haircut, buying shampoo, rasin bran with no fucking raisins, the fact that Mr.T and Alf are restricted to 1-800 comercials, Little girls ICQing me, feeling like I do now, not getting my homework done, Idiots that love to sit too close to you in class, What, Do you wanna sit on my fucking Lap!!! Not having a Job, Getting Great Marks but still feeling dumb as hell, drinking old coffee, not having fresh ground coffee....... Im Sure I'll think of more, Tune in tomorrow for another episode of "I Fucking Hate..."

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